
ChairmanMr. WU Xiangdong

Chairman of Jindong Group
Chairman of Vats Liquor (300755.SZ)

Main Honors

in 2005Awarded "Outstanding Entrepreneur of China" by China Enterprise Confederation
in 2006Named "Top Ten Outstanding Entrepreneurs in China's Brand Building" by China Enterprise Culture Improvement Association
in 2009Won "Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Award", the most prestigious international business award
in 2011Won the honorary title of "Outstanding Entrepreneur of Hunan Province"
in 2015Awarded the title of "Hunan Model Worker" by Hunan Federation of Trade Unions
in 2018Won the honorary titles of "2018 China's Liquor Retail Chain Leader" and "Man of the Year in China's Liquor Industry in the 40 Years of Reform and Opening Up"
in 2020Won the honorary titles of "Top Ten Businessmen of the Year" and "Icon Person of the Year"
in 2021Won the title of "Outstanding Builder of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" in the fourth session in Hunan Province

Brewing the Happiness and Spreading the Joyfulness of Life

At ZJLD Group, we have been striving to brew fine liquor, spread the joyfulness of life and contribute to our consumers' happiness.

As the old saying goes, “Liquor Connects People Better than Handshakes”. In the 1990s, while I was starting up my business, I often drank liquor with many of my friends and partners, during which our relationships were established and strengthened. Afterwards, I was learning to sell liquor and founded liquor brands and chose to take it as my lifelong career. It has been more than 20 years since I started to acquire distillery and invest in liquor brewing at the beginning of the 21st century.

More than 20 years have passed since my first acquisition of a baijiu production plant named Xiang Jiao, while Li Du and Zhen Jiu were acquired in 2009, all were acquired for more than a decade. At such times, those distilleries were underperformed and starved for reviving in good hands. From the investment perspective, these acquisitions may not be profitable. However, the acquisition is not for mere acquisition of assets, but with the enthusiasm for rebuilding the premium liquor and legendary brand. The history and stories behind each brand are what we would like to acquire. For instance, Xiang Jiao, which lies in the center of Hunan province, is inextricably linked with the practices of Sun Simiao, the master of herbal medicine. Li Du owns a fermentation pit that could be traced back to Yuan Dynasty, which is the first fermentation pit excavated in China for brewing distilled liquor. Zhen jiu is the most legendary brand that has numerous stories to be told among the modern distilleries of China.

The historical inheritance and legends are important. Beyond that, we’d like to offer consumers with quality products. Therefore, we’ve exerted efforts in the restoration and expansion of plants, update of equipment and improvement of techniques for more than a decade, to continuously enhance our brewing techniques and the storage of base liquor. Our hard work paid off, whereas our products are well received by the market and consumers, as well as gained recognition from experts worldwide. All of our three brands have prize-wining products that won the Medals from the Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, which is known as the “Oscar in the Liquor Industry”.

I have a dream that, one day, I can take off my suit and spend all of my time to make a bottle of the finest liquor for consumers. What is the finest liquor? Everyone has a different standard. For our Group, a fine liquor entails the inheritance of history and respect for brand. We wish that, there is a natural taste from lucid waters and lush mountains in every bottle of fine liquor that embodies our craftsmanship spirit of enhancements and represents the aspiration and realization towards happy life among people.

“Liquor is a barometer of economic activities”, a vital economy with sound development will promote the booming of liquor consumption. Looking back on the development of the Group, we are not only the beneficiary of the rapid development of China’s reform and opening-up, but also the participant and constructor. We have transformed three local distilleries at difficult times into a modern enterprise with strong market competitiveness in terms of production and sales, branding and culture promotion.

The liquor carries happiness itself in that the production and sales of liquor are connected to primary, secondary and tertiary industries. Liquor provides the joyfulness of drinking for consumers, as well as creates jobs and happy life for people. The Group employs a large number of employees from rural areas, in addition to that, it also made a targeted procurement of over 5 million mu of organic sorghum, wheat, rice and other agricultural products. Through these actions, the Group has helped the poverty alleviation of hundreds of thousands of rural families, and accelerated the development of packing, logistics and other related industries with a production value of over RMB 10 billion.

Our journey makes us more clearly and comprehensively understand the value of our career, the great responsibility on the shareholders, consumers, employees and society, as well as impetus to development.

We will keep on brewing the happiness and spreading the joyfulness of life.

珍酒李渡集團 版權所有  COPYRIGHT 2008-2020 ZJLD GROUP ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  黔ICP备13005641号-2

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